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About the Firm
PIMCO established its role as a leader in actively managed bond portfolios more than 40 years ago with an innovative Total Return approach that aimed to provide investors with a combination of income, capital preservation and capital appreciation. As one of the largest and most respected investment managers in the world, PIMCO offers a comprehensive lineup of investment solutions covering a broad range of asset classes, geographic regions, market sectors and investment vehicles.
PIMCO�s most valuable asset is intellectual capital � whether gathering and analyzing market information or providing clients with an understanding of its thoughts, opinions and views on the markets. PIMCO believes it is essential to invest based on forward-looking views and with a long-term orientation. Therefore, its global research infrastructure includes dedicated resources needed to thoroughly evaluate and understand the companies, currencies, governments, municipalities, and other areas that are part of their investable universe. PIMCO�s investment professionals share their perspectives in published articles, webcasts and other forums focused on their particular area of expertise.
PIMCO is headquartered in Newport Beach, California, with more than 2,300 employees (including 683 investment professionals), located throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. PIMCO has been honored as Morningstar�s Fixed-Income Manager of the Year in 1998, 2000, 2007 and 2012 as well as Morningstar�s Fixed-Income Manager of the Decade for 2000-2009. PIMCO�s goal remains the same as it was when the company was founded: to manage risk and deliver attractive returns through a variety of market conditions and economic cycles, share valuable insights from our thought leaders and provide reliable client support.
Critical to PIMCO�s success is their investment process, combining top-down global macroeconomic forecasting with bottom-up security analysis to manage risks while delivering high-quality returns. First, PIMCO analyzes potential challenges and opportunities over the cyclical (short-term) and secular (three-to-five-year) horizons. PIMCO then combines global forecasts with in-depth research gathered on individual securities and portfolio risk-management techniques. This process provides the foundation for PIMCO�s entire menu of investment solutions.
Four times a year, top investment professionals from around the world gather to discuss global markets and the economy, pinpoint trends, analyze intelligence gathered by sector specialists, and develop long-term investment ideas. Based on the conclusions drawn in these Cyclical and Secular forums, the PIMCO Investment Committee develops the parameters that guide the firm�s outlook, opinions, and management of client assets. These investment themes include expectations for global growth and inflation as well as views about duration, volatility, credit qualities, sectors, countries and currencies. PIMCO shares these views with investors in publications that are released shortly after the conclusion of each meeting. In fact, the Secular Forum has been in operation since 1982, leveraging not only in-house acumen, but also the perspectives of experts outside the firm.
Portfolio managers combine PIMCO�s world views with bottom-up security analysis to construct and manage diversified client portfolios with an eye toward the future. In doing so, they draw on PIMCO�s proprietary risk-management techniques, an experienced trading desk, and specialist desks, including 45 seasoned credit research analysts who independently rate every credit held in their portfolios � targeting investments with attractive yields, reasonable risks and discounted market prices.
What�s provided on Fidelity.com
Monthly, quarterly and annual economic and fixed income commentary as well as key insights from PIMCO thought leaders.
The Morningstar Fund Manager of the Decade award is based on risk-adjusted results and other considerations, including the strength of the manager, strategy and stewardship. The Morningstar Fixed- Income Fund Manager of the Year award (1998, 2000, 2007, and 2012) is based on the strength of the manager, performance, strategy, and firm's stewardship.