Explore Research Firms
Analyst ratings and reports are generated by independent third-party research firms to help investors better understand the potential risks and opportunities of investing in a particular ETF/ETP. Each research firm has a different approach to evaluating ETFs/ETPs. For example, one firm’s ratings may be based on the underlying securities in the ETP, while another’s may be primarily based on the structural integrity of the ETF/ETP. Click on the Research Firm to learn more about its methodology, investment style, approach and content available on Fidelity.com for Exchange Traded Products
ETF Research Provided | ||||
FactSet | Analyst Driven, Quantitative Model Driven | Fundamental Analysis, Structural Analysis | Bottoms Up | Ratings, Reports and Data |
Morningstar | Analyst Driven, Quantitative Model Driven | Fundamental Analysis | Bottoms Up | Ratings, Reports, Expert Strategies and Data |
Recognia | Chart Pattern Recognition | Technical Analysis | n/a | Chart Pattern Recognition |
Trading Central | Analyst Driven, Quantitative Model Driven | Technical Analysis | n/a | Ratings and ISS-EVA |