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Research Firm: Refinitiv/Verus

- Methodology Quantitative Model Driven
- Approach Fundamental Analysis
- Equity Style Value
- Report Types Stock
About the Firm
Refinitiv stock research reports include the Verus Analytics Opinion (a buy, hold, or sell rating). Refinitiv is one of the world's leading sources of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. They combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver information and decision support tools to portfolio managers, investment bankers, research analysts, executives, and individual investors. Verus Analytics, Inc., formerly known as the quantitative research division of Gradient Analytics, is a private independent research firm specializing in engineering institutional stock rating systems. Verus Analytics does not engage in investment banking services.
Refinitiv provides a comprehensive look at a company's earnings, fundamentals, valuation, price performance, and insider trading sentiment.
- Earnings: Detailed range and trend analysis of Wall Street sentiment metrics such as price targets, revenue projections, and earnings estimates. Comprehensive historical and forecasted data from I/B/E/S from Refinitiv.
- Fundamental: Compares a company to its industry on a number of commonly used profitability, debt, and dividend measures.
- Risk/Price Analysis: Provides unique measures of long and short-term stock price momentum, as well as historic seasonality performance (i.e., whether a stock tends to perform well during a given month).
- Valuation: Three widely used valuation metrics (Trailing P/E, Forward P/E, and Forward PEG) are presented graphically to place current readings into historic context.
- Insider: Historical insider buys and sells are aggregated by quarter allowing for easy analysis of longer term trends.
The Verus Analytics Opinion is an empirically-derived and historically back-tested stock rating system with buy, sell and hold opinions. To develop a rating, the quantitative system analyzes a firm's earnings quality, balance sheet, and income statement, conducts technical and valuation analysis, and evaluates the transactions made by the company's management and company insiders.
Approximately 6,000 of the largest US stocks and ADRs based on market capitalization.
What's Provided on Fidelity.com
- Stock research reports. These reports are updated weekly, and contain the Verus Analytics Opinion, the I/B/E/S from Refinitiv Mean and Independent Research Mean to place each rating in context, summary text highlighting compelling aspects of the stock, and a peer analysis section for side-by-side comparison of a company's key metrics (long-term growth, P/E ratios, price returns, and others) compared to its closest competitors.
- Stock ratings. A Buy, Hold or Sell "Verus Opinion" from Verus Analytics.
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- Check out the Research Scorecards to help you understand and compare historical performance of research providers ratings individually and in aggregate.