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Research Firm: I/B/E/S Estimates from Refinitiv

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About the Firm

Refinitiv I/B/E/S is a leading provider of broker-sourced research, earnings estimates, and other valuable financial information. The Refinitiv I/B/E/S Earnings Estimates offer a comprehensive and consistent source of global financial data, containing detailed information on more than 21,000 companies in 480 established and emerging markets worldwide. Refinitiv I/B/E/S is provided with coverage in these markets by more than 900 contributing brokers worldwide. The contributing analysts are from major international research firms as well as regional firms and boutiques, providing both broad coverage and local expertise.

Refinitiv I/B/E/S is the gold standard for real-time broker-sourced research and earnings estimates for quick insight into analysts' expectations. Their network includes more than 6.5 million research documents from more than 900 brokerage firms, investment banks, and other sources - making it the industry's leading link to more than 50,000 institutional investors and brokerage firms around the world.



All estimates are reviewed according to rigorous quality control measures including both pre- and post-product quality reviews. Quality checks incorporate automated algorithms such as standard deviation, percentage difference from the previous, and number of revisions in a short time period. Monthly audits show accuracy levels greater than 99.9%. Mean estimates only include estimates on the same accounting basis for comparisons across the same category (i.e., apples to apples comparison).


Refinitiv I/B/E/S Consensus Recommendation uses information gathered from contributors. For each security where there is a consensus recommendation, the number of contributors is provided with the recommendation. The Refinitiv standardized scale is as follows:

1 – Strong Buy
2 – Buy
3 – Hold
4 – Underperform
5 – Sell

Each contributor determines how their individual recommendation scale maps to Refinitiv I/B/E/S 5-point scale. While contributors may have a 3-point scale, dual-tiered scale or elaborate multi-tier scales with both company and industry/sector ratings, all points in their scale must map back to the standardized Refinitiv I/B/E/S scale of 1-5. To insure a meaningful mean calculation, contributors must map bullish ratings to a 1 or 2, neutral ratings to a 3 and bearish ratings to a 4 or 5. In cases of broker scales being greater than 5 points, multiple points in a broker's scale may map back to a single point in the Refinitiv I/B/E/S scale. Contributors are made aware that the 1-5 value will be calculated to create a straight arithmetic mean based upon the standard values above and displayed across Refinitiv products.

The mean ratings are calculated as follows:

  • Strong Buy – Less than or equal to 1.5
  • Outperform – Less than or equal to 2.5 but more than 1.5
  • Hold – Less than or Equal to 3.5 but more than 2.5
  • Underperform – Less than or equal to 4.5 but more than 3.5
  • Sell – More than 4.5
  • No Opinion – Rating of 0

Scale Changes
If a contributor changes its scale, stops must be applied to the database to prevent false revisions, followed directly by new recommendations applied on the same day. When scale changes occur, Refinitiv Market Specialists work closely with the contributor to outline the implications, and make decisions on how the change should be represented, based on the guidelines Refinitiv uses in mapping contributor scales to the normalized scale. Recommendation scale change requests received from contributors will be processed on a go-forward basis.

Recommendation Drops
If a contributor drops coverage of a company, a stop is applied to the recommendation field. Additionally, if a contributor is "restricted" on the stock or has suspended their recommendation, a stop would be applied to the recommendation field. When a restriction is lifted, stops will remain in effect until new initiations are received from the broker.


Refinitiv I/B/E/S delivers consensus recommendations and timely earnings forecast data across nine critical data measures for more than 5,000 U.S. stocks.

What's Provided on

  • Refinitiv Earnings Valuation Report, updated daily provides an in-depth look at stock performance against analyst expectations for the last two years. Report includes historical and current earnings per share (EPS), price/expense ratio (P/E), recommendations, and actual earnings announcements.

  • Refinitiv I/B/E/S Consensus Recommendation uses information gathered from contributors. The number of contributors for each security where there is a consensus recommendation is provided. Each contributor determines how their individual recommendation scale maps to the standardized Refinitiv I/B/E/S scale of 1-5.

    The scale is as follows:

    1 – Strong Buy
    2 – Buy
    3 – Hold
    4 – Underperform
    5 – Sell

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